Gräfe und Unzer

Gräfe und Unzer presents a marvellous array of titles covering health, wellbeing, cookery, life-coaching, spirituality, family, nature and travel, in beautifully designed illustrated books. We handle the rights for Spanish and Portuguese languages. Please contact Print Company for all other rights. Autumn2023_GU_mail

Verlagshaus der Ärtze

Health and wellbeing, alternative therapies, tasty healthy cookery and more from this well-known Austrian publisher, for whom we represent Spanish and Portuguese languages. For all other languages, please contact Print Company.  


Barcelona-based literary agency for whom we represent Portuguese and English languages, including beautiful illustrated titles for children and adults from Nórdica, Bold Letters and other Spanish publishers and authors. Oh!Books Children List Fall 2023 low ENG Dossier CHIC@GENIAL 2023

ST&A Literary Agency

Agency established in 2008 representing publishers of fiction, nonfiction, illustrated titles and books for children and YA. We handle world Portuguese rights for LIteraturagentur Juliane Röederer Literary Agency, Agence Deborah Dubra, HBG Productions, Jacoby & Stuart, s&pliterary, RVivian Literary Agency, Jungbrunnen and HBG. ADeborahDubraFFB 2023 …

AC2 Literary Agency

AC² is a literary agency based in Italy, founded in 2012 and representing authors and publishers of quality fiction and non-fiction works for adults, YA and children. The publishers represented include Casa Sirio, Coccole Books, Hacca, Las Vedas Edizioni, Pelledoca, Mesogea, Pendragon, People, Spartaco, TerraRossa …

eoVision Media

Visual atlases, popular science and illustrated books on globalization, the environment, geography and astronomy, for adults and for children making learning fun with games suitable for school or at home. Based on high quality satellite images. We handle rights for Spanish and Portuguese languages. Please …

Styria Books

This independent Austrian publisher has four well-established imprints: Kneipp is focussed on health and wellbeing, including alternative therapies, diets that really work and practical handbooks. Molden publishes titles on current and social affairs as well as contemporary world and Austrian history. Pichler offers a wide …