
ST&Asociados – rights for German language, Belgium, Netherlands and Scandinavia
Direction: Pallars 73, 1º – 1ª
P.C. / City: 08018 / Barcelona
Country: Spain
[email protected]

Brigitte Périvier Agency  – French language
Direction: 11Bis Rue Elzevir
P.C. / City: 75003 / Paris
Country: France
Brigitte Perivier
[email protected]

AC2 Literary Agency – Italian rights
Direction: via A. de Mandelo 14
P.C. / City: I – 35124 Padova,
Country: Italy
Anna Mioni
[email protected]

Translation grants

Many countries have programmes to promote and aid in the translation of works by their authors. Here are some of the most interesting ones:

PORTUGAL has an excellent translation grant programme from Portuguese, for novels, non-fiction, pictures books and comics. The general information page in Portuguese, with access to download information in various languages, is here and the English language page is here.

CANADÁ has a translation grant programme for literary works by Canadian authors, and the information in English is here.

IRLANDA has a longstanding translation grant programme for works by Irish authors, whether or not they reside in the Republic of Ireland, information available in English here, and a residential bursary programme for translators, information here.


ADAL is the Spanish association of literary agencies, of which Reynolds Literary is a member. The website gives information on ADAL’s activities, the member agencias and advice for writers looking for a literary agent.

This great website has been designed and is maintained by MadSystems, an expert team on all aspects of digitalisation and especially helpful to small and micro companies, and to freelancers.