She was born in Spain in 1965 into a large, artistic family. She decided to move to London when she was 20, studying and working in Cosmetology and Esthetics. On her return to Spain in 1991, she studied Business Administration, setting up her own company which she continues to manage, combining it with her constant work with Amnesty International, and the organisation of socio-cultural events for young people.
Branching out on her own from a young age, her passion for reading and her vocation as a writer, never forgotten,
Autodidacta desde muy temprana edad, su pasión por la lectura y su vocación de escritora, la cual nunca dio por olvidada, ocupan un anhelado lugar en sus momentos de descanso diario. Madre de dos hijos, la inesperada muerte de su hija Sara la estimula a escribir Recuerda, el primer volumen de la tetralogía perteneciente a la saga Elisheba, una de las muchas historias que habían empezado a tomar forma en su imaginación desde su época de adolescente.