Mónica Soldevila (Barcelona, 1970), married and with two daughters, lives in both France and Spain. She read Wuthering Heights when she was eight, A Thousand and One Nights when she was nine and Novelas Ejemplares not long after. Since then she has never stopped reading.
She was twenty when she boarded her first flight abroad to live eight thousand kilometres from home, towards the Tropic of Capricorn. She has worked in countries brimming with contrasts under the sun in South America. West Africa or the Antilles, until the capricious trade winds returned her to Europe. Everywhere she set down her suitcase for enough time to get to know and be inspired by new customs, enjoy the varied food and make many friends. Her moves were not always easy because of the excess baggage caused by the large number of books she always took with her.
Now she is a writer and her first passionate historical novel is the fruit of so much reading. so many travel and a boundless imagination.