Núria Tomàs Mayolas adores interpreting literary texts through illustration; in every picture, she seeks a dialogue between the words and the image to create complicity, establishing conceptual and visual bridges of connection with the readers.

She has a Fine Arts degree in Painting from the Sant Jordi Fine Arts Factulty (Barcelona), perfecting her training with a Master in Illustration for Children’s Books in Escuela i_con_i (Madrid), a Master in Digital Illustration and 2D Animation in Studio 3 (Valladolid), and the Professional Certificated in Illustration from CIFO (L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona).

She has worked with publishers such as Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, Alfaguara-Grup Promotor, Candaya, Gregal, Bóbila Libros, Cim Edicions, Blast Press and Ruqaya’s Bookshelf.