Raúl Ariza Pallarés (Benicàssim, Castellón, 1968) is a lawyer. He has written three colletions of short stories: Elefantiasis (Policarbonados, 2010); La suave piel de la anaconda (Talentura, 2012) and Glóbulos versos (Talentura, 2014, introduced by  Antón Castro, Premio Nacional de Periodismo Cultural 2013); and three novels: Un viaje solo para hombres / Men Only on This Journey (Versatil, 2017), Antes. Entonces. Nunca / Before. Then. Never. (Talentura, 2019) and Por mi gran culpa /My Most Grievous Fault (EDAF, 2020). The latter novel won the PREMIO DE NOVELA NEGRA CIUDAD DE GETAFE 2020 (CRIME NOVEL AWARD GETAFE 2020).

Raúl Ariza has contributed to several literary magazines and has published short stories, articles and columns covering a wide range of subjects from literary reviews to cinema. In 2010 his work was included in an anthology published by the prestigious magazine Revista Literaria EntreRíos (Nº 13-14, 2010), one of forty-four Spanish authors selected as the most representative of the short story form at this time. His short stories have been included in various anthologies of literary fiction, and some have been translated into French, Geman and Italian.

His latest novel explores the relationship and reconciliation of an adult son with his father, ill with Alzheimer’s. He is currently working on a crime novel being written under duress by one of the characters.

Translation rights available for his novels.